The Secret to Creating Real Change in Midlife

The Secret to Creating Real Change in Midlife

By midlife, most of us have developed a lot of habits. And many of them we don’t like - eating junk food, not working out regularly, watching too much TV, procrastinating. Maybe smoking or drinking too much is on your list too.

By definition, a habit is something repeated enough times it becomes automatic.

Come home from work, take off your shoes, and veg on the couch for longer than you wanted. Turn on a movie and mindlessly eat the whole bag of chips while watching. Drink a half bottle of wine while preparing dinner.

Do these once, and it’s no big deal. But repeated over and over, and suddenly you have a habit you don’t even think about, and one you probably don’t want.

Most of us think of habits as something we do (or don’t do)... physical things. But that’s not what this blog is about.

Have you ever considered that your thoughts are habits too?

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