The Hidden Price of Being Nice
Tools for Inner Peace, How to Thrive Heidi Gustafson Tools for Inner Peace, How to Thrive Heidi Gustafson

The Hidden Price of Being Nice

Being nice and being kind are NOT the same thing! Being ‘nice’ is a learned behavior that started developing in us before the age of 8. We were taught to be good and not be any trouble. Don’t talk back, listen to your teachers, do what you’re told. We’re taught that it’s wrong to speak up, it’s bad to say no, and it’s conceited to think of yourself. This leads to people pleasing in midlife.

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Expectations and Resentments and Stress, Oh My!
Tools for Inner Peace, How to Thrive Heidi Gustafson Tools for Inner Peace, How to Thrive Heidi Gustafson

Expectations and Resentments and Stress, Oh My!

Expectations are the beliefs we have about how things or people “should” be and resentments are the emotions we experience when those expectations aren’t met.

Expectations cause us to think things or people should be different… that they should be doing it the way WE think they should do it. And when people don’t do it our way or things don’t go our way, then we get resentful, disappointed, or angry.

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How Expectations Are Destroying Your Happiness
Tools for Inner Peace, How to Thrive Heidi Gustafson Tools for Inner Peace, How to Thrive Heidi Gustafson

How Expectations Are Destroying Your Happiness

When we get to midlife, we can have some pretty hefty expectations of what life is supposed to look like. Happy marriage, fulfilling career, looking forward to retirement, stable health, money in the bank, kids off creating their own life, grandkids on the way.

And when different things happen - divorce, no kids or kids not following the path we wanted, no grandkids, job loss, partner unfaithful, etc - it can feel devastating because “life isn’t going as I expected.”

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