What People Pleasers Need to Know About Boundaries

What People Pleasers Need to Know About Boundaries

People pleasers think setting boundaries are stressful, but NOT setting them leads to even greater strain as it causes constant overextension, resentment, and emotional exhaustion. Let's dive into what boundaries are, what leaky boundaries look like, and how you can set better boundaries in your life.

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Recognizing the Red Flags: It’s Time to Reassess Your Boundaries

Recognizing the Red Flags: It’s Time to Reassess Your Boundaries

Boundaries are a set of guidelines that define how you want to be treated, protect your well-being, and ensure your needs are met. When our boundaries aren't sufficient, our bodies tell us. Learn what boundaries really are, the 5 red flags that your boundaries need to be fixed, and how I chose myself in a toxic relationship that didn't support my needs.

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