What People Pleasers Need to Know About Boundaries

What People Pleasers Need to Know About Boundaries

People pleasers think setting boundaries are stressful, but NOT setting them leads to even greater strain as it causes constant overextension, resentment, and emotional exhaustion. Let's dive into what boundaries are, what leaky boundaries look like, and how you can set better boundaries in your life.

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Why People Pleasers Over Apologize & How to Stop the Habit

Why People Pleasers Over Apologize & How to Stop the Habit

Why do we feel the need to apologize so much? This habit of over-apologizing is deeply rooted in our subconscious mind. Among other things, this mindset can prevent us from asserting our needs and boundaries, ultimately hindering our personal growth, self-confidence, and self worth. Learn the 5 reasons why and how you can start ditching your people pleaser need to over apologize.

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Recognizing the Red Flags: It’s Time to Reassess Your Boundaries

Recognizing the Red Flags: It’s Time to Reassess Your Boundaries

Boundaries are a set of guidelines that define how you want to be treated, protect your well-being, and ensure your needs are met. When our boundaries aren't sufficient, our bodies tell us. Learn what boundaries really are, the 5 red flags that your boundaries need to be fixed, and how I chose myself in a toxic relationship that didn't support my needs.

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Overcoming Self-Doubt in Midlife: A People Pleaser’s Journey to Self-Trust

Overcoming Self-Doubt in Midlife: A People Pleaser’s Journey to Self-Trust

A common people-pleasing trait is to BELIEVE that the thoughts, opinions, and feelings of others are more important than our own. Yet our inner voice is vital to not only staying safe but finding happiness. How can we learn to trust ourself again as we recover from people pleasing in midlife?

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Are You on a  People-Pleasing Hamster Wheel of Unhappiness & Frustration?
How to create change, People Pleasing, My story Heidi Gustafson How to create change, People Pleasing, My story Heidi Gustafson

Are You on a People-Pleasing Hamster Wheel of Unhappiness & Frustration?

As people pleasers, the disappointment of others can make us uncomfortable. We try to earn their happiness, their approval, their acceptance … but in the end, we end up feeling resentful because no one is returning the favor. In this blog, I challenge you to look at how you are impacting your happiness by creating this imbalance — not them.

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How to Break the Cycle of Perfectionism in Midlife: 10 Easy Steps

How to Break the Cycle of Perfectionism in Midlife: 10 Easy Steps

If you’ve been a part of my midlife community for a while, you know that people pleasing, perfectionism, and procrastination have gone hand in hand for me for most of my life. Let's explore perfectionism's impact and what we can do to move from exhaustion and shame to a healthier place.

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People Pleasers - Great At Keeping Promises To Others, But Not Ourselves

People Pleasers - Great At Keeping Promises To Others, But Not Ourselves

I recently had a session with a people pleaser and we were talking about integrity. My client said they were great at staying committed to others, but not to themselves. They said, “I’m not hurting anybody if I break a promise to myself.” Do you feel like my client? If you break a commitment to yourself, you’re not hurting anyone? My question to you is: “Aren’t you hurting yourself?”

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Finding Freedom: 7 People Pleasing Myths That Keep Us Trapped
How to create change, People Pleasing, My story Heidi Gustafson How to create change, People Pleasing, My story Heidi Gustafson

Finding Freedom: 7 People Pleasing Myths That Keep Us Trapped

Like any negative habit, we sell ourselves stories about people pleasing to justify our behavior. By examining these people-pleasing myths, we can take in our landscape and ask ourselves: what’s really going on here? What do I need? Am I acting out of compassion or out of fear? Learn the 7 myths I hear more often about people pleasing and what they really mean!

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From Chameleon to Champion: The Pain Behind People Pleasing
How to create change, People Pleasing, My story Heidi Gustafson How to create change, People Pleasing, My story Heidi Gustafson

From Chameleon to Champion: The Pain Behind People Pleasing

Much of my life was controlled by my people-pleasing behaviors. From daily habits to long-term relationships, the real me was often kept hidden. I was a chameleon! Here’s the thing: people-pleasing is not naturally who we are. It’s a learned behavior meant to keep us safe. It’s the tendency for individuals to go out of their way to make others happy, often at the expense of it’s hurting us.

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Procrastination: The Secret To What Causes Us To Put Things Off

Procrastination: The Secret To What Causes Us To Put Things Off

Do you feel held back in your life by procrastination? As if you’re paralyzed by overwhelm and stressed out from putting things off? You may think procrastination is simply avoiding things we don’t like. Why do today what can be done tomorrow type of thing, right? The truth is procrastination is so much deeper than simply putting things off.

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The Worst Question People Pleasers Ask Themselves & What To Ask Instead
How to create change, People Pleasing Heidi Gustafson How to create change, People Pleasing Heidi Gustafson

The Worst Question People Pleasers Ask Themselves & What To Ask Instead

Typically the questions we ask ourselves start with ‘why’ and stem from frustration or disappointment. The worst part is, they can be harmful to our growth - especially for people pleasers. Read along to learn about the dangers of “why”, how people pleasers are especially vulnerable, and what to ask instead.

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Lessons of a Recovered People Pleaser
How to Thrive, Subconscious Reprogramming Heidi Gustafson How to Thrive, Subconscious Reprogramming Heidi Gustafson

Lessons of a Recovered People Pleaser

6 years ago, I hit my ultimate turning point that started me on a journey of healing. My 3rd husband had just walked out in a rage. I blamed him and his toxic, controlling behavior causing our marriage to fail. Yet in truth, it was MY unhealthy, codependent behavior that caused me to say ‘“I do” to him. I tried to keep the peace and not hurt his feelings, which people-pleasing traits.

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The Secrets to Making Radical New Year’s Resolutions That Work!
How to Thrive, Subconscious Reprogramming Heidi Gustafson How to Thrive, Subconscious Reprogramming Heidi Gustafson

The Secrets to Making Radical New Year’s Resolutions That Work!

Ever found yourself in the cycle of New Year's resolutions, going all gung-ho on changing something in your life, but ending up in déjà vu and disappointment? Well, here's a reality check: It takes a lot more than a resolution to change. In this blog, I’m giving you three science-based reasons why it’s almost impossible to get change through resolutions and why 92% of resolutions fail.

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How to Let Go of Control to Find Your Happiness
Tools for Inner Peace, How to Thrive Heidi Gustafson Tools for Inner Peace, How to Thrive Heidi Gustafson

How to Let Go of Control to Find Your Happiness

We think holding on is how we control a situation. And if we’re in control, that means we’re safe… we feel secure in the control. And the feeling of safety comes from things staying the same. Yet even in midlife, we are capable of making changes to our lives and it all starts with learning how to let go and release our need for control. If you don’t let go, you can’t make room for something better!

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